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PiCockpit Client


The PiCockpit Client is a powerful tool designed to provide comprehensive control and monitoring capabilities for Raspberry Pi devices. This page serves as an in-depth guide to understanding and utilizing the PiCockpit Client effectively.

Command Line Switches

The PiCockpit Client supports several command line switches to customize its behavior. Below is a list of available switches:


Commands Actions
picockpit-client connect Use an API key to register Raspberry Pi
picockpit-client connect-otk Use an otk to register pi - only intended to be used in official install scripts.
picockpit-client daemon Run the client on the command line - not recommended. Instead enable/start the systemd service.


You may have to run the commands above with sudo.


Options Actions Type
--help Show help [boolean]
--verbose Activate verbose logging [boolean]
--selfsigned Allows self-signed certificates MQTT server (not recommended) [boolean]
--serial Override the serial of this pi (not recommended) [string]
--apikey Pass api key on command line (only reccommended for scripting) [string]
--otk Pass otk on commandline (only reccommended for scripting) [string]
--name Required for otk usage (only reccommended for scripting) [string]
--version Print version information


picockpit-client --help

Log Files

The PiCockpit Client generates log files to record its activities and any potential errors encountered during operation. These log files are useful for troubleshooting issues and monitoring the health of the PiCockpit Client.

By default, the log files are located in the following directory:


You can also get a log provided by journalctl by running the following command:

sudo journalctl -u picockpit-client.service -n 1000 > /tmp/log.txt


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